The TuVida Carers Financial Wellbeing Service will provide financial support and education to carers, addressing both immediate need and helping people develop long-term financial stability.

The service offers both a Financial Wellbeing Service and Direct Grants Scheme, delivered in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. 

Direct Grants

Our team can provide unpaid carers with a Direct Grants Scheme who present an immediate need for help and support. 

The process is through an easy online application, with support given from our Financial Wellbeing Officers. All applications will be assessed individually and will be based on the following:

  • Impact of the caring role
  • Financial impact of the grant
  • Benefit to the unpaid carer

If successful, unpaid carers will be sent an e-voucher from the chosen provider.

Financial Wellbeing Service

Our team of Financial Wellbeing Officers are here to help unpaid carers with a variety of problems which may arise due to the nature of their caring role. We can with any of the following:

  • Benefit Checks using MoneyHelper.
  • My Money Matters Financial Service - Our team will help to create a financial support plan, individual to each carer, which will outline benefits, grants and other support options that could be relevant. 
  • Application Assistance - Should you need to make any applications following the development of the support plan, our team can assist with forms and documentation. Our team can also direct you to specialist services for further support.